#1 Support and policy information

Supported device specifications

  • CPU - Intel Core i5 or higher or similar AMD or other processor

  • RAM - 4 GB or more

  • Web Browser - Chrome (72 or higher), Edge (79 or higher)

    • Browser compatibility settings are managed with variable values so that compatible versions may be improved over time.

Supported screen resolution

  • Minimum - Horizontal 1,440 px

  • Maximum - 100% size of web browser

Version information

  • LETR WORKS v2.8.6

Operation policies

  • Due to the nature of the SaaS service, LETR WORKS conducts continuous maintenance for an indefinite period of time to protect and manage customers' data until the end of the service.

  • LETR WORKS stores operation logs in the cloud for security purposes, and provides them separately only upon customer request.

Last updated