#3 Image editor

Basic functions

  • Basic search and advanced search

  • Show subtitle area icon

    • Green check - Indication of completion of original text/translation work

    • Red exclamation mark - Indicates that the original text/translation work is not complete

  • Scope of application of terminology, translation memory (TM), and special character designation

    • Terminology (TB) and translation memory (TM) applied (however, speaker and SDH elements are not applied)

  • Upload image file

    • Upload by folder (1 folder = 1 project)

    • Individual image upload is not possible

  • Display watermark on original image

  • Add text block

    • Add by dragging the mouse to the image area

    • Add a segment to editing area when creating block

      • Assign numbers based on the y-axis position of the block

      • If the y-axis values are the same, it follows the creation order.

    • Cannot add segments in the edit area

  • Delete text block

    • Block without original text

      • Select and delete blocks in the image area

      • Text blocks can be selected and deleted in the editing area

    • Blocks with original text cannot be deleted

  • Check terminology (TB)

  • Check terminology (TB) for any mismatch within sentences

    • Cases where the source and translation match completely are highlighted in green.

    • Missing or inconsistent translations are marked in red.

  • Check Machine Translation (MT)

  • Check Translation Memory (TM)

    • You can select one sentence from MT (Machine Translation) or Translation Memory (TM) with a shortcut key

    • Check the source of Translation Memory (TM)Click to move to the corresponding source project.

  • Issue registration and management

When using shortcut key

When using the task completion shortcut key (Ctrl/Command + ↓↑) in the sentence/subtitle, a green check mark will be displayed, and a message (moving to the next sentence) will be displayed on the screen.

Translation copy function

For easy text editing in image translation projects, use the copy button in the sentence segment to copy the sentence.

Exclude translation function

  • Translation exclusion function - Specify words and areas

    • In the editor, use the special character double curly brackets "{{excluded words}}" to specify words or areas to exclude from translation work.

    • Excluded specified words or areas will not be translated.

Last updated