#1 Text editor

Basic functions

  • Basic search and advanced search

  • Check the number of characters and words

  • Show text area icon

    • Green check - Indication of completion of original text/translation work

    • Red exclamation mark - Indicates that the original text/translation work is not complete

  • Terminology (TB)

  • Check terminology (TB) for any mismatch within sentences

    • Cases where the source and translation match completely are highlighted in green.

    • Missing or inconsistent translations are marked in red.

  • Check MT(Machine Translation)

  • Check Translation Memory (TM)

    • You can select one sentence from MT (Machine Translation) or Translation Memory (TM) with a shortcut key

    • Check the source of Translation Memory (TM)

  • Issue registration and management

When using the shortcut key

When using the task completion shortcut key (Ctrl/Command + ↓↑) in the sentence/subtitle, a green check mark will be displayed, and a message (moving to the next sentence) will be displayed on the screen.

Exclude translation function

  • Translation exclusion function - specify words and areas

    • In the editor, use the special character double curly braces {{example}} to specify words or areas to exclude from translation.

    • Excluded specified words or areas will not be translated.

Last updated