#2 Video editor
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Last updated
Basic search and advanced search
Check subtitle rules
The number of characters for special characters separately
Recognized as 1 letter - ((Speaker)), [[Background and Sound effects]], ##Screen subtitles##
Does not count - {{Translation excluded}}
Alert function (orange exclamation mark icon) when minimum/maximum exposure time and subtitle interval are not correctly set in the subtitle
Subtitles less than 0.1 seconds in length cannot be created
Subtitle area icon
Green check - Indication of completion of original text/translation work
Orange exclamation mark - Indicates non-compliance with subtitle regulations (number of lines/characters, minimum/maximum exposure time, subtitle spacing)
Red exclamation mark - Indicates that the original text/translation work is not complete
Change subtitle exposure time
Check the FPS (Frames Per Second) of your subtitle file
When downloading a subtitle file, FPS (frames per second) can be changed to match the selected video frame rate.
Check terminology (TB)
Check terminology (TB) for any mismatch within sentences
Cases where the source and translation match are entirely highlighted in green.
Missing or inconsistent translations are marked in red.
Check Machine Translation (MT)
Translation Memory (TM) check
You can select one sentence from MT (Machine Translation) or Translation Memory (TM) with a shortcut key.
Check the source of Translation Memory (TM). Click to move to the corresponding source project.
Voice cast from workspace assets can be used in a video dubbing project.
Issue registration and management
When using the shortcut key
When using the task completion shortcut key (Ctrl/Command + ↓↑) in the sentence/subtitle, a green check mark will appear, and a message (moving to the next sentence) will appear on the screen.
You can adjust the video size by dragging the mouse between the video and the editor panel.
The default (minimum) size is 400px when accessing the video editor.
The video size ratio according to the display's screen resolution is as follows.
1440px ~ 1536px - 4:6
1537px or higher resolution - 5:5
Production management of Subtitles for the Deaf or Hard of hearing (SDH)
The video project supports the production of screen description subtitles SDH.
Text enclosed in double parentheses ((Speaker)) and double square brackets [[Background sound/Sound effects]] is distinguished by subtitles for the Deaf or Hard of hearing (SDH).
When registering a speaker while producing subtitles for the Deaf or Hard of Hearing (SDH) project, you enter the special character "((" and then enter the keyboard. A word that starts with the corresponding syllable among the words registered in the vocabulary speaker is automatically recommended.
You can apply DRM (Digital Rights Management) settings to prevent video content from being leaked and to secure it.
When DRM is applied, 25% of usage is deducted from the regular video project usage.
Internet Explorer
(11+ on Windows 8.1+)
(Windows 10+)
(35+ on Windows 7.0+)
(47+ on Windows 7.0+)
(8+ on Mac OS 10.10+)
Please refer to the table above for the DRM support status of the web browser.
You can change the audio language and voice by creating a related project of the video project.
In the case of a dubbing project, 400% of the available usage will be deducted compared to a general video project. (1 minute of dubbing = 4 minutes of general video)
Video subtitle group function
If the last word of a sentence in a video project segment is 'question mark,' 'exclamation mark,' 'period,' or 'ellipsis,' it's considered one sentence.
Subtitle groups of related projects are formed based on sentences separated by special characters in the parent project, and these are recognized as single sentences when translated.
When adding a new subtitle within a subtitle group, it is applied to the same group.
How to add new subtitles in a video project
When you right-click on a space in the waveform, the “Create new subtitle” menu will appear, and you can add a new subtitle.
Waveform subtitle block division function in a video project
You can split long subtitles (add new subtitles) based on the seeker's location.
Specify where you want to split the subtitle and press the shortcut key (Create new subtitle - "CTRL/CMD" + "+"), and the waveform and segment will be split to fit the subtitle length.
What is 'Seeker'?
A bar that displays the mouse cursor's position and time within the waveform.
Adjustable waveform scaling ratio
You can adjust the waveform magnification by dragging the zoom slide bar.
Waveform scaling can be adjusted in 4 levels, from default (100%) to up to 400%.
Timecodes after the selected time can be changed in batches
By dragging the 'Seeker,' you can adjust the timecode to synchronize the subtitles.
Can I adjust all timecodes at once?
You can adjust all the timecodes by dragging them based on the Seeker.
Translation exclusion function - Specify words and areas
In the editor, use the special character double curly brackets "{{excluded words}}" to specify words or areas to exclude from translation.
Specified words or areas marked as excluded will not be translated.